History Comes to Life Through Educational Video Games

(Ages 9+)

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What Students & Teachers are Saying About Us

If more schools and after school programs utilized video games to make learning fun, every one of the youths would be invested in learning. The world is changing, so should the way we teach and engage with youth. This is a great step forward.

Carlos BaltazarBoys & Girls Club

It was very exciting to see how enthusiastic my students were to learn about history!

Sarah PerkinsLarchmont Charter School

This rocks!

Lucy HermanAge 10, Student

The game is good. It’s really intensive.

Keith PluymersPostdoctoral Fellow, Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Caltech University

The game teaches a lot about food, clothing, shelter in pre-modern conditions, particularly in a frontier setting; there’s some inherent drama in getting things figured out before winter. It was fun and, if I let myself, I could probably get sucked into it for far longer than I should.

Dave NeumannAssistant Professor, Education and Integrative Studies, Cal Poly Pomona; Former Director of the History Project at CSU Long Beach


Watch & Learn How Game Learning Works In Your Classroom

Game Learning Not Only Makes Learning History Fun But Also...

Meets state standard, framework, and EL requirements
Reinforces classroom learning in fun, easy, and engaging way
Provides as a great supplemental learning tool after school
Best of all Game Learning does NOT save your student data

Try Game Learning for FREE & bring the past to life through captivating educational games.

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