Game Learning is thrilled to announce our partnership with ABDO, a leading educational publisher of books and digital resources for today’s schools. Through our new partnership with ABDO, we are excited to share that every Game Learning educational video game, now also comes with at least one corresponding eBook.
We chose to partner with ABDO for many reasons. Most notably, by including an eBook which focuses on the same historical event experienced through playing Game Learning video games, the learning objectives in the games are reinforced in well-written book formats, which will support a wide range of readers, appealing to both avid, and even reluctant readers.
The high-quality of the eBooks included with each Game Learning educational video game, add value for students and teachers alike, by enabling students to follow up and dig deeper into aspects of specific historical events, that they found particularly interesting in the games. After all, at Game Learning we are dedicated to fostering a deep interest, and limitless curiosity when it comes to learning about early American history.
ABDO eBooks included with our games offer plenty of variety. Some come in the form of graphic novels, while others focus on including primary sources which help students to interpret the past for themselves. Other books contain follow up quiz questions and activities which students can use to test themselves on what they’ve learned. With plenty of informative graphics and historical images, ABDO’s eBooks pair perfectly with each and every Game Learning educational video game, to bolster historical learning.
Together, the fast-paced, engaging Game Learning video games and corresponding eBooks from ABDO offer students a complete and exciting picture of early American history leading up to the Civil War.
We hope you’ll enjoy the addition of ABDO eBooks to each of our historical video games!