The value and benefits of taking family vacations have been the subject of numerous studies, and research by leading psychologists.  By way of example, NYU School of Professional Study released a study conducted by the Family Travel Association titled “US Family Travel Survey 2017”  which amongst other things, revealed that “US families continue to place a high value on the role of travel in their family relationships, and in the education of their children.

The great majority want their children to experience different cultures and to become better global citizens.

Likewise, in a 2015 study by Project: Time Off the survey reported the following findings:

  • Almost 85% of students aged 8-14 report feeling closer to their parents when they share time off
  • Almost 80% of kids report feeling stress, but when they take a family vacation the number of students who feel stress on vacation drops to less than 30%
  • 60% of kids report seeing a “different side” of parents while on vacation.

The evidence that family vacations are not only valuable educational tools, but healthy for family relationships and dynamics has been mimicked by additional research as well.  But this begs the question:  do kids need to unplug to enjoy a vacation?  Should they bring video games with them?

The answer of course will ultimately be up to each parent, but it’s worth mentioning that educational video games, may offer your child benefits that complement the education they’ll receive through travel. 

In particular, Game Learning’s suite of educational video games, teach developing minds about pivotal moments in history.

As fast-paced, engaging educational video games, Game Learning games provide the following benefits.

  • Challenge young travelers to make thoughtful decisions while gaming
  • Introduce children to historical people, places, and events
  • Short gameplay allows children to complete a game quickly
  • Nurtures critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Uses technology of gaming without the violence
  • Piques curiosity about the places where historical events took place

Why Game Learning Is the Right Choice

Game Learning educational video games can be played from any mobile device.  Our single- single-player games enable children to be engaged in their learning while riding in the car, flying on a plane, or even in a hotel room at night. 

When you’re planning your family’s next vacation, consider the many benefits of Game Learning historical educational video games as a supplement to the educational experiences your child will have while your family takes a l much needed break from everything—except one another. 

Sign up for Game Learning’s newsletter and play a demo of Roanoke: The Lost Colony, here.

Game Learning educational video games transport players to pivotal moments in history, immersing students & players in historical subject matter by drawing upon their natural curiosity while nurturing soft skills, problem solving, and historical thinking. Contact us at


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